Frankfort High School, Frankfort, Indiana
Class of 1960
Tips and Tricks
I would like to hear from you. The easiest way to send me a message is to use the menu item CONTACT US on the left. A message box will come up with your name and email address already filled in. Type in anything you want in the message box - including but not limited to:
1. Problems logging in
2. New information on a missing classmate
3. Corrections on any part of the site
4. Other problems you have discovered
5. Questions about how to do something on the site
6. Suggestions for improving the site
7. Informing me of material or photos you wish to be considered for a particular page or part of the site
Of course, you can always send me an email through the web site's mail function (see Sending Emails below) or a private email to our personal email address using your computer's email program.
When you log in as a member, there will be additional menu items on the left side of the home page under the header MEMBER FUNCTIONS part way down the column. Menu options there will help you further as you use the web site.
You can chose which changes to the web site or classmate profiles you want the web site to remind you of with an email when changes take place. Click on Notify Me in the menu to choose which changes you wish to be notified about; which you want to be notified about immediately and which you want to be held and grouped in one daily email reminder. And of course, you can also block any you don't want to be reminded about.
Don't forget to page down and choose which classmates you want to be notified about when they update their profiles.
This menu option displays all the emails you have received (Inbox) as well as those you have sent (Outbox) through this web site. Your messages will remain in their respective boxes until you delete them. A key at the top of both the Inbox and the Outbox shows symbols representing the status of an email. You will find one of these symbols to the left of each email listed.
Each listed email shows:
1. A box to check
2. Status of the email
3. Either who sent it to you (Inbox) or who you sent it to (Outbox)
4. Subject and date of email
5. A red "X"
In both Inbox and Outbox settings, clicking on sender's photo or the word “profile” brings up that person's profile page.
Clicking on the Subject brings up the actual email.
Clicking inside the box on the far left or on the red "X" on the far right will turn the background red. This means that one or more emails you've marked can be deleted by choosing the tab at the bottom of the page that says Delete Checked Thread.
To Zoom in on Pictures : Hold down the Ctrl key on the keyboard while scrolling the wheel on your mouse. Forward, larger, back, smaller.
To email a website registered classmate, begin either of two ways:
1. Click on Message Center under MEMBER FUNCTIONS and click on Compose Message. Type a name in the box to bring up the classmate you wish to contact. Or click on Display all Classmates button and select from the list.
2. Click on Classmates on the lefts side picks and select the classmate from the list you wish to email. Their profile will show and under their left side photo is a "Send Name a message". Click on this and the subject and message boxes display.
Type a topic in the Subject box. Type your message or comment in the large box below the Subject box. Click on the Send Message or Send Private Message button, depending on method 1or 2, to send your email on its way.
Remember: Your message can only be read by the classmate you send it to, like any other email that is sent via the Internet.
If you wish to leave a comment on a class member's profile page add your comment in any of the comment boxes. Keep in mind that this comment can be read by anyone who looks at that classmate's profile.
Editing your Contact Information will allow you to view or change all of the contact information you entered into your profile. You can add to or change your name, email address*, home address, Phone number, or any information you wish by retyping over the existing words or by deleting the original words and then typing in the new information. You can edit or add to your Contact information anytime something changes and we encourage you to do so. Don't forget to click on the SAVE CHANGES button when you are done.
*Remember that when you change your email address, the new email address must be used the next time you log in.
Great news! As of December 17, 2013 we have a brand new Classmate Profiles format on our class web site. The new format is much more dynamic and engaging and I think you'll really enjoy it.
Log into the site and click your "Edit Profile" link to see the changes. You can now do some new things like:
1. Upload a "Then" photo of how you looked in your high school years.
2. Upload a "Now" photo showing what you look like today. It's interesting seeing the Then & Now photos side by side.
3. Upload a "Yearbook" photo (if one has not already been provided)
4. Click the photo gallery icon in the upper right to add more Profile photos. It's now faster and easier to add any photos you want.
5. Click the videos tab then paste in a video link, such as a Youtube video link (just copy the web address of the video from your browser's address bar). Voila, the video has been added to your Profile!
6. Quickly toggle back and forth from Profile Edit view to Profile Preview view by clicking the button at the top of your Profile.
The Profile display now includes 2 new engaging features:
1. Classmates can make comments on various items throughout your Profile. Give it a look! If you prefer others not comment on your Profile items you can remove the ability to comment by clicking Edit Profile and turning off the Comments feature.
2. A "Latest Interactions" section is now included. This is an aggregation of interactions you have made around the web site. Note this new section is not displaying behavioral tracking. For instance where you go and what you do on the site is private, and not listed here. Latest Interactions only displays an aggregation of interactions already available on other areas of the web site.
Please log into the web site and take a look at both your Profile Edit screen and the Profile Display. I hope you enjoy these great new features!
Should you wish to change your password for any reason, click on Change Password under MEMBER FUNCTIONS.
You'll see a page asking for your current password.
1. Type in your PRESENT password.
2. Type in your NEW password.
3. Type in your NEW password a second time (to prove you can type the same thing twice)
4. Click on SAVE button.